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RHES Halloween Info!

Posted Date: 10/28/24 (8:08 PM)

RHES Halloween Parade is this Thursday at 2:15.

Important Notes:

  • We encourage costumes on Halloween! :)
  • For safety purposes, please make sure that your child does not wear a mask to school. They can wear a mask during the parade, but not throughout the school day.
  • Your child's teacher will communicate about candy in the classroom, as some rooms have very strict allergy restrictions.
  • Please make sure that costumes are school appropriate (we ask that costumes are not overly gory in nature). No weapon accessories of any kind can be brought to school. 
  • Please ensure your child wears sneakers to school so they can participate in PE and recess.

Parade Viewing Area:
  • If the weather is nice, we will have the parade in the front of the school. We will have a parent viewing area for you!
  • If the weather is cruddy, we will have all parents go into the auditorium. Students will come in by grade level and weave through the aud.

Parade Dismissal Info:
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If you would like to take your child with you after the parade, you MUST send in a note on 10/31 or prior letting us know. PLEASE make sure that you write WHO will be picking your child up on this day. Also be sure to bring your ID with you on this day.
  • Pre-K dismissal will be at the Pre-K doors. (We will have siblings of Pre-K students at the Pre-K doors for an quick pick-up)
  • Grades K-4 dismissal will be at the front doors of the school. Please go to the table that matches the first initial of your last name. You can sign your child out with the staff member and we will bring your child to you ASAP.
  • We will be asking for all IDs due to the volume of students being picked up. We will not release children if the person picking up your child does not bring an ID to ensure safety.

Reach out with any questions!
Have a great week and thank you!
-Dan Mault